Marcus Blum (University of Nevada, Reno)
Project Title: Quantifying the importance of cover in bighorn sheep lambing habitat using unmanned aerial vehicles.
Award: $5,300
Wild Sheep Foundation
Project Title: Film production - Horse Rich and Dirt Poor
Award: $5,000
No scholarships awarded
Carlos Gonzalez-Gonzalez (Sul Ross State University)
Project Title: Spatial, temporal, and demographic characteristics of desert bighorn sheep in west Texas.
Award: $8,500
Rebekah Karsch (New Mexico State University)
Project Title: Survival and cause specific mortality of neonatal desert bighorn sheep in the Peloncillo Mountains, New Mexico.
Award: $4,200
Kyle Garrison (New Mexico State Univeristy)
Project Title: Influence of livestock grazing on forage biomass, activity budgets and foraging efficiency of desert bighorn sheep in southern New Mexico.
Award: $3,860
Jonathan Escobar Flores (Autonomous University of Baja California in Ensenada)
Project Title: Establishment of the conservation status of desert bighorn sheep in Baja
Amount awarded $4,000
Ashwin Naidu (University of Arizona)
Project Title: Diet Assessment of the American Puma.
Amount awarded $3,500
Ben Gonzales and Heidi Zurawka (California Department of Fish and Game)
Project Title: Temporal and
Spatial Distribution of Mycoplasma.
Amount awarded $4,500
Kevin Hurley (Wyoming Game and Fish Department) and Richard Jones
(Wildland Rangers and Northwest College)
Project Title: GIS Mapping
Project of Wild Sheep Translocations.
Amount awarded $1,500
Oranit Gilad (Texas A&M University).
Project Title: Distribution of desert bighorn sheep in the Delaware Mountain
Range and reaction to power-generating windmills.
Amount awarded $1,828
Esther Rubin (Conservation Biology Institute)
Project Title: Development of a predictive habitat
model for bighorn sheep
in the Peninsular Ranges of southern California.
Amount awarded $4,000
James Cain (University of Arizona)
Project Title: Influence of man-made water sources on desert bighorn sheep.
Award amount $2,000
Brian Jansen (University of Arizona)
Project Title: Relationship of a mountain sheep population to surface mining and a disease epizootic.
Award amount $2,500
Jeffery Villepique (Idaho State University)
Project Title: Tradeoffs between forage quality and predation risk: assessing response of bighorn sheep to predation risk.
Award amount $4,200
James Cain (University of Arizona)
Project Title: Influence of man-made water sources on desert bighorn sheep.
Award amount $2,000
Jeffrey Villepique (Univeristy of Alaska Fairbanks)
Project Title: Tradeoffs between forage quality and predation rish: assessng responses of bighorn sheep to predation risk.
amount $850
Heather Johnson (Univeristy of Arizona)
Project Title: Urban Encroachment on Desert Bighorn Sheep Populations.
Award amount $750
James Cain (University of Arizona)
Project Title: Influence of Artificial Water Sources on Desert Bighorn Sheep.
Award amount $500
Banner Photo Credit:
Michael T. Pittman
All drawings by
Pat Hansen©