Desert Bighorn Council
Desert Bighorn Council

Statement of Purpose

The Desert Bighorn Council was unofficially organized in 1957, and officially organized with adoption of a constitution in 1959. The Council was established to promote the advancement of knowledge concerning desert bighorn, and the long-range welfare of these animals. Membership is comprised of wildlife biologists, scientists, administrators, managers, and others interested in the welfare of desert bighorn. The Council is interested in all ecological and management issues affecting bighorn sheep and their habitat. The native desert bighorn greatly decreased in number with the European settlement of western North America, and Council members are dedicated to ensuring the future of current populations. The necessity of managing areas for bighorn sheep becomes more critical each year. Council members are implementing numerous studies and management strategies designed to improve current management guidelines.

Banner Photo Credit:

Michael T. Pittman




All drawings by 

Pat Hansen© 

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